Disk No #759 Program Title: Writer's Heaven PC-SIG version 1 Writer's Heaven is a customization program that transforms the popular word processing program PC-Write into the fastest and most efficient editing tool today. Most word processing programs are designed by programmers for secretaries, and require memorization of a lot of different key sequences to perform editing commands. Writer's Heaven, using PC-Write's own macro feature, grafts onto PC-Write a unique keyboard command structure. The result is a word processor that combines speed, power, simplicity, and ease of learning--a word processor that brings on-screen editing significantly closer to the speed of thought. What Writer's heaven does is that it redefines the PC-Write control file, thus adding its own set of commands while leaving most of the principal PC-Write command keys intact as an alternate command set. You can now edit the text on PC-Write without leaving your hands from the typewriter position. Usage: Word Processing Utility System Requirements: PC-Write version 2.6 or 2.7 256, and 256k of memory. How to Start: Type READ.ME (press enter) File Descriptions: READ ME Initial description and instructions HEAVEN BAT Batch file to display READ.ME GUIDE BAT Batch file to print this Guide in DOS GUIDE Master file to print this Guide through PC-Write GUIDE 1 Part 1 of this Guide--Introduction GUIDE 2 Part 2 of this Guide--Tutorial GUIDE 3 Part 3 of this Guide--Commands and Features GUIDE 4 Appendix of this Guide ED DEF Writer's Heaven control file HVN HLP Writer's Heaven help screen PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG